Our Mission
Bike JC is a citizen-based advocacy organization that aims to make Jersey City streets safe and welcoming for bicyclists, by promoting traffic law enforcement, bicycle lane creation, additional bicycle rack placement, education, and group rides. We are bicyclists, commuters, parents, BMX riders, businesspeople, planners, and advocates for the full potential of Jersey City.
We are committed to working with our neighborhoods, schools, and elected officials to make Jersey City the most bike-friendly city in the state. We want to help bicyclists commute, exercise, enjoy scenic rides, ferry children to activities, and head out shopping in increasing numbers in the immediate future.
With its extensive network of public transit options and parks, this dense city of well over a quarter million people provides the perfect infrastructure to support commuter and recreational bicycling. At the same time, bicycles are also a key option for facilitating inter-modal connections. Seven miles long and approximately two miles wide, encompassing Liberty State Park and Lincoln Park, as well as many smaller city parks, Jersey City is just the right size for a bike ride.
We believe a bike-friendly city is safer for everyone. Studies have shown that the mere presence of more bicyclists (and pedestrians) encourages motorists to drive with more caution and decreases traffic crashes. Bicycle lanes not only tend to increase the number of cyclists but can act as a traffic calming measure, helping pedestrians navigate streets safely as well. Bicycling is also economical and easy on the environment, and it transforms the average commute into a great workout.

Board of Trustees
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Ayla Schermer
Ayla is a proud Pittsburgh native turned proud Jersey City resident since 2012. She lives downtown in the Van Vorst Park neighborhood, and is an accountant at a software company in lower Manhattan. Prior to joining the board in 2017, Ayla was a Bike JC volunteer and was also very involved in the launch of CitiBike in Jersey City in 2015. Outside of biking advocacy, Ayla is active in the Jersey City community as a singer in the North River Sing community chorus and as a devoted member of the Van Vorst Park Association. She is also an avid Broadway theatergoer, a sports fanatic, and a travel lover who checks out the biking infrastructure everywhere she goes.
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Tony Borelli
Vice President
Tony joined Bike JC’s board in 2014 after volunteering for us for several years; today he is the manager of our social media presence, a liaison to the Jersey City government, and a chief marshal for many of our organized bike rides. A native of Queens, Tony lived in several urban and suburban towns in North Jersey before moving to Downtown Jersey City’s Hamilton Park neighborhood in 1997. He lives on the same block today. After a decade as a newspaper reporter, and stints editing and writing for Manhattan management and marketing firms, Tony is currently a proofreader and copy editor for Prudential Insurance in Newark, where he is also a member of the revived Brick City Bike Collective advocacy and riding group. A longtime explorer of Jersey City and its urban environs by bike and mass transit, Tony also enjoys triathlons, marathons and distance running, and Jersey City’s art, music, dining, and nightlife scene.
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Beatriz Bofill
Beatriz has been cycling (for transportation!) since she was a kid, in many cities and countries, and is now based in the Heights and is excited for the many opportunities to improve the cycling experience that Bike JC is working on.
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Ryan Williams
Ryan is a computer programmer and long-time bike-share user who bought an e-bike during the pandemic and is obsessed with their potential to revolutionize urban transportation.
He maintains a Citibike dashboard at ctbk.dev, other transit/data related projects at neighbor-ryan.org, and also advocates for pedestrian and transit improvements around the county with Hudson County Complete Streets.
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Deirdre Newman
Deirdre is an illustrator/artist working in the field of decorative painting. She also gives walking tours of community gardens and bicycling tours in NYC and is expanding to tours of JC.
She keeps bees in Riverview Community Garden in The Heights. She moved to JC in 2013 and lives on Hamilton Park.
She bicycles up and down both sides of the Hudson and to the beautiful bird sanctuary in Liberty State Park every chance she gets amongst other excursions.
She has been an avid cyclist since bartering with her junior high school to get out of gym in exchange for riding to school and back every day.
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Emmanuelle Morgan
Emmanuelle is a literary agent by day and a safe streets advocate by night. She came to bike advocacy when, on one of many trips north-south through Hudson County, she realized that most bike lanes end at municipal boundaries even though the roadways continue.
Emmanuelle has lived in Hudson County since 2009. Before moving to Jersey City’s West Side, she lived in Hoboken and served on the board of Bike Hoboken and the Fund for a Better Waterfront. She is one of the founders of Hudson County Complete Streets, a coalition of groups and individuals advocating for transportation equity and safe streets county-wide. She is particularly interested in the cross section of transportation systems and sustainability (the transportation sector represents 40% of carbon emissions, with the highest concentration of emissions in overburdened communities).
In 2021, Emmanuelle met her partner on a bicycle. For their first date, they rode around Liberty State Park and have been exploring all that the county has to offer ever since.
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Tyler Newcomb
Tyler is a former Emergency Medical Technician who sold his car in 2021 in search of cheaper and more enjoyable mobility by bike. After responding to a string of traffic fatalities in Jersey City in 2021, he realized that these crashes were needless and preventable, and became involved in safe streets advocacy. Tyler has spoken on the intersection of safe streets with emergency vehicle access, and is a strong advocate for complete streets infrastructure that prevents crashes and enables better mobility. Tyler also sits on the board of Safe Streets Jersey City.
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Tom Keane
Tom Keane is such a feirce advocate, he hasn't had time to write a bio for himself yet. Tom lives in downtown Jersey City and rides a Tern GSD to shuttle his kids and cargo. Tom can often be found in a marshalling vest with a radio on his shoulder, or meticulously planning routes on Ride with GPS.
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Brian Riggio
Brian has loved riding his bike since he was a kid, and has been doing so for transportation since college. He’s identified as an urbanist for about a decade, since he realized how little of our built environment is dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists, as opposed to drivers. He moved to Jersey City’s Journal Square neighborhood in 2021, and got involved with Bike JC soon after. Besides bikes, Brian loves walks, cats, books, and horror/sci-fi movies.
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Daniel Morteh
Born and raised in Jersey City, Daniel Morteh has been a cycling enthusiast for 12 years. He bought his first bike at age 24 just to get to work on time and it started a deep passion for cycling. Now at 36 years old Daniel has evolved from a city commuter to endurance cyclist participating in as many Century (100 mile) bike rides as possible.
He has been a member of The Major Taylor Cycling Club of New Jersey since 2016 as well as their New York charter, Major Taylor Iron Riders. He also co-founded the JC Goonies, a group of urban cyclists. So far he has ridden several thousand miles and is planning on traveling to participate in various ultra-endurance events.
Daniel also works as mechanic for Jersey City Bicycle Company and a spin instructor for Hamilton Health and Fitness and Goldman Sachs. He believes that the bicycle can be a great tool to bring all types of people together.
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Patrick Conlon
That's Patrick and his cargo bike. He bought it in Vermont and pedaled it all the way back to Jersey City. "I used to do some delivery work with this pickup truck on 2 wheels but I found out how hard that work is and quickly developed a learned respect for those who do it for a living."
Patrick became a resident of the Heights area of Jersey City in 1991 and lived there until late 2021 when he relocated to Biddeford/Saco, Maine with his wife, their 6 cats and his bicycle collection. He has launched the bicycle advocacy organization Bike BS and is now the Trail Manager for the Eastern Trail, which is southern Maine's section of the East Coast Greenway. "I finally found employment where I'm paid to ride my bike, speak with other trail users and help maintain and expand an incredible off-road cycling resource."
Patrick got involved with Bike JC 10 years ago as a Marshall for the Ward Tour and joined the board of trustees about 7 years ago. "I was honored to serve as BikeJC's president and I think we did a good job of advancing the organization's mission. I am confident that the organization is now on strong footing with its new president, old stalwarts and enthusiastic new trustees!"